recursive data structures - definition. What is recursive data structures
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%ما هو (من)٪ 1 - تعريف

Isorecursive type; Isorecursive; Equirecursive; Equirecursive type; Recursive type; Recursive data structure; Inductively-defined data type; Recursive datatype; Recursively-defined data type; Inductive data type (recursive data); Recursive data; Mutually recursive data type

recursive type         
A data type which contains itself. The commonest example is the list type, in Haskell: data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a) which says a list of a's is either an empty list or a {cons cell} containing an 'a' (the "head" of the list) and another list (the "tail"). Recursion is not allowed in Miranda or Haskell {synonym types}, so the following Haskell types are illegal: type Bad = (Int, Bad) type Evil = Bool -> Evil whereas the seeminly equivalent algebraic data types are acceptable: data Good = Pair Int Good data Fine = Fun (Bool->Fine)
Recursive data type         
In computer programming languages, a recursive data type (also known as a recursively-defined, inductively-defined or inductive data type) is a data type for values that may contain other values of the same type. Data of recursive types are usually viewed as directed graphs.
Passive data structure         
Plain Old Data; Plain old data; Plain Old Data Structures; Plain old data structures; Plain old data structure
In computer science and object-oriented programming, a passive data structure (PDS, also termed a plain old data structure, or plain old data, POD) is a term for a record, to contrast with objects. It is a data structure that is represented only as passive collections of field values (instance variables), without using object-oriented features.


Recursive data type

In computer programming languages, a recursive data type (also known as a recursively-defined, inductively-defined or inductive data type) is a data type for values that may contain other values of the same type. Data of recursive types are usually viewed as directed graphs.

An important application of recursion in computer science is in defining dynamic data structures such as Lists and Trees. Recursive data structures can dynamically grow to an arbitrarily large size in response to runtime requirements; in contrast, a static array's size requirements must be set at compile time.

Sometimes the term "inductive data type" is used for algebraic data types which are not necessarily recursive.